Investing in Your Future

Committed to helping those who are novices to sophisticated investors understand their financial options.
Simplify your financial life, with help from Houlihan Asset Management, LLC. Visiting our website is an important step in understanding how to manage your finances wisely.
Whether funding a child’s college education, planning to leave a legacy to your loved ones, or planning for retirement, your success will require knowledge of investing, insurance, taxation, and other complex subjects, plus attention to detail and discipline. To succeed, you’ll need to be engaged and committed to a strategic plan, and that’s where we come in.
Disciplined Investment
At Houlihan Asset Management we believe that a long-term, systematic, investment approach will serve you best over time. We advocate a customized asset allocation and value-oriented approach to investing using stocks, bonds, ETF's and no-load mutual funds. We believe in sound, fundamental investments, low portfolio turnover and tax-efficient investing.
Why choose houlihan asset and wealth management?
Prudent investment management
Focused on Your Financial Goals
Experience and Knowledge
Innovative Investment Strategies
Disciplined investing
Personalized Planning


For any inquiries, please call or email us:
260-422-2929 | dennis@houlihanassetmanagment.biz
Our Address
421 East Cook Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46825
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